July 9, 2017

Words cannot describe the power and anointing that was in the house last Sunday night. I pray that each one of you have spent the week considering the word from the Lord and submitting your life to His call! It really is the only thing that matters. Keep the main thing, the main thing!

I hope that each of you had a wonderful holiday week! God bless America once again!
We continue to watch the progress of our new church facility. Excitement is building!

Pastor Michael G. LaBrie

July 2, 2017

We want to say a great big “thanks” to Tori Holst and Tyler Newton for assisting us with our music last Sunday night.

God is blessing our church and we are excited to watch our new facility being erected on Washington Blvd.

Please invite a friend to join you in our worship service on Sundays and for our Bible study on Tuesdays. The children are having a great time at Club Faith and we need more in attendance! Also, please remember all of our church family in need of healing!

Pastor Michael G. LaBrie

June 25, 2017

Special thanks to those who assisted with our Father’s Day fellowship last Sunday night. It was a very nice time of good food and fellowship! Also a wonderful message from Bro. R.P. Bell! We need to dig some new wells in our lives!

Work continues at our new facility! The tropical storm caused some rain delay, but progress is being made!

Please note that we will not have Tuesday evening service on July 4 so that you can celebrate Independence Day with family and friends.

Pastor Michael G. LaBrie

June 18, 2017

Another great week at Gospel Tabernacle I am thrilled to have Bro. R.P. Bell with us today for Father’s Day. He is very special to Gospel Tabernacle and we look forward to hearing from him tonight!

I want to wish all of our fathers a very special Father’s Day. Although my father is no longer here, I still hear his words of encouragement and advice whispered in my ear! He would be so excited about the new building! God bless the memories of so many awesome fathers today!

Pastor Michael G. LaBrie

June 11, 2017

Another great week at Gospel Tabernacle. The rain slowed us down on our construction but hopefully, the sun will remain with us for a while now! Excitement is building!!

We had a wonderful time at the Texas District Campmeeting and the unity among the Texas District ministry is awesome.

Special thanks to Sis. Daphne Manuel for assisting us with our music this weekend!

Pastor Michael G. LaBrie

June 4, 2017

What an exciting week for Gospel Tabernacle!

Special thanks to those who attended our First Saturday Prayer Meeting last night. Prayer changes things!

This week, we hope to spend a few days at the Texas District Campmeeting and hope that some of you are able to attend.

Every day is exciting watching our new facility being erected on Washington Blvd. Many people are watching the pro-gress! To God be the Glory!

Pastor Michael G. LaBrie

May 28, 2017

What an exciting week for Gospel Tabernacle!

We are now watching our red iron steel rise on the foundation at 7880 Washington Blvd. To God be the Glory!

Next Sunday is Pentecost Sunday! Why not invite a friend to come and experience Pentecost. The Bible lesson this week confirmed that the primary function of the church is to evangelize, witness, testify and ring out the Good News of Jesus Christ to a hungry world. This is our goal as Christians!

Pastor Michael G. LaBrie

May 21, 2017

We had a beautiful Mother’s Day weekend! I sincerely appreciate all of the ladies that made it happen and had a great time of fun, food and fellowship in the process!

On Wednesday, our steel was delivered to Washington Blvd. Now, we will begin to see the structure of our new church facility! Please drive by and see what God is doing.

Please continue to remember those that are in need of healing in our church family. God still answers prayers!

Pastor Michael G. LaBrie

May 14, 2017

As most of you know, this week I was very sick and it made me realize even more the importance of praying for our church family that have physical needs.

We had a lot of individuals just this week with very serious physical needs. As we call their names out in the services, please remember to keep them in your prayers all week! We serve a prayer answering God!

I love and appreciate all of our Gospel Tabernacle mothers! Happy Mother’s Day!

Pastor Michael G. LaBrie

May 7, 2017

Pastor’s Corner:
I was privileged to be able to attend Men’s Conference this week in Lufkin. It was an awesome time of fellowship with the men of the Texas District!

I also want to say how much I appreciate those who attended our monthly prayer meeting. We will never be able to meas-ure the value of those united prayer services!

Drive by the new church property, we are expecting the steel to arrive this week! Excitement is building!

Pastor Michael G. LaBrie

April 30, 2017

If you have not driven by the new property lately, please do so. Our driveway has been poured and the entire parking lot will be finished soon. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the steel!

Excitement is building. I am excited about the way the Lord has moved into our services in such a special way. God can do more in just a few minutes than we can do in hours! I am persuaded that our united prayer before church and our monthly prayer meetings are the source of this power!

Pastor Michael LaBrie

April 23, 2017

What a beautiful Easter service we had last Sunday! I am excitedly watching the progress on Washington Blvd.! We are pouring the parking lot in sections and should be completed with that by the time the steel arrives!

Michelle and I were able to attend District Conference in Lufkin this past Thursday and Friday. We appreciate our District leadership! May God continue to bless our organization.

Don’t forget our first Saturday prayer is coming up. Prayer changes things!

Pastor Michael G. LaBrie