Join us for a beautiful Easter celebration! Special singing, worship and the Word at 11 am. We will serve lunch following in the fellowship hall. Easter egg hunt and kite flying will follow lunch. We would love to have you join us on this very special day.
I am so excited about what God is doing at Gospel Tabernacle! Last Sunday, we had over 90 in attendance! We were excited to announce that Hannah Whykoup received the Holy Ghost on Saturday at the youth conference. Her name was on one of our “100 soul revival” cards and we hope to present her with her certificate and prayer towel in today’s service. Invite a friend to church and see what God will do for them!
Pastor Michael G. LaBrie
The PrayBeaumont Day Prayer Drive was a success and a blessing for all the participants. We were also blessed to have Mr. Vern Butler, our new BISD Superintendent, in the caravan with his family, praying for our community. There was tremendous unity among the ministers on the Sun Travel Luxury Motor Coach and the Beaumont Police Department Escort really put on a show. Thanks to all who participated in the event.
We had a record number of churches praying for Beaumont as well. AG, Apostolic, Baptist, Presbyterian and COGIC were a sampling of the diversity of churches praying Sunday.
We were blessed to have ministers from Mt. Gilead riding and praying with us. They learned about it from a Facebook post. Thanks to all for helping get the word out.
We were blessed to have Missionaries Craig and Lyna Sully in our services on Sunday morning, September 28th. Their ministry and burden for the French-speaking people of Africa spoke to our hearts. Thank you for your sacrifices to reach the world!
To support this family as they travel , see their website,, or follow their Facebook page MissionSenegal
Click here to listen to singing and an anointed sermon by the Sullys
Sunday September 28th is the 11th annual PrayBeaumont Day and Prayer Drive. All Beaumont churches are asked to pray for our city during the service this morning and the prayer drive will begin at Ford Park at 3:30 pm.
I am excited to have the Sullys with us this morning and look forward to hearing about their burden for missions. I am so happy that the Lord has allowed us to partner with so many missionaries for a church our size. Let’s keep our vision for a world-wide harvest of souls! Pastor Michael G. LaBrie
We had an incredible Friend Day last Sunday. God is good! We had 102 in attendance and enjoyed the ministry of Bro. Ron Guidroz. Bro. Guidroz spoke to us from the story in Matthew 15 of the Canaanite woman who approached the Master for help for her daughter. After being ignored and rejected, the woman worshiped Jesus and her faith brought about deliverance for her daughter. If we could only understand the importance of worship, we would never hold back the praise that is due our Lord. I was so excited by the attendance and happy that Bro. Nathan Rountree was in town to officiate the baptism of Jonathan, Verity and Micah.
Our Tuesday evening family prayer was powerful in the Holy Ghost! We believe needs were met, healing virtue went forth and deliverance was assured!
Wednesday night, Pastor continued our journey through the book of Acts. Unity, compassion and commitment were found in the early church and these qualities are still necessary today!
Please remember our “invite” cards! These cards are so handy to keep in your pocket or purse and give out during the day.
Pastor Michael G. LaBrie
If you are interested in traveling to the Ozark Mountains, we will depart Monday, November 17, and return Friday, November 21. This trip will be $575 per person and a $100 deposit is due upon booking. Please let Bro. or Sis. LaBrie know as soon as possible if you intend to go. This will be a fun time with Gospel Tabernacle family and friends.
Branson, Missouri is beautiful in the fall!
A special welcome to all friends and family that are with us for Friend Day! We pray you receive something from the Lord today. This week has been powerful in the Holy Ghost. God is taking our church body into a new dimension and we are excited about what He intends to do through us!
Please continue to participate in our Bible chapter study each week. I believe that this intensive study program will create within us a desire to learn more of His Word!-Pastor Michael G. LaBrie
At the end of 2010, Gospel Tabernacle of Beaumont (formerly Amelia United Pentecostal Church) elected Rev. Michael and Michelle LaBrie to serve as their pastor. During the few short years that Pastor LaBrie has been here, we have seen great growth.
[title type=”h2″ class=”pastor”]Pastor[/title]
At the end of 2010, Gospel Tabernacle of Beaumont (formerly Amelia United Pentecostal Church) elected Rev. Michael and Michelle LaBrie to serve as their pastor. During the few short years that Pastor LaBrie has been here, we have seen great growth. There is great excitement and anticipation about what the Lord has planned for this congregation that has been in existence for over 60 years. We are planning for growth and a great harvest of souls. Please join us at Gospel Tabernacle, where we are still spreading the Good News!
[title type=”h2″ class=”pastor”]Personal Life[/title]
In 1985, Michael LaBrie and Michelle Cole were married. Together they share their home with Pepper, their poodle.
[title type=”h2″ class=”pastor”]Childhood[/title]
Rev. Michael LaBrie was born and raised in the Nederland area. As a child, he attended the First Pentecostal Church of Nederland, pastored by Rev. Chester Hensley. During his high school years, his family moved to Beaumont and began attending The Apostolic Church of Beaumont in 1979.
[title type=”h2″ class=”pastor”]Years of Ministry[/title]
Pastor LaBrie has been involved in a number of ministries, including Tape Ministry, Sound, Building Maintenance, Sunday School, Usher, Bus Ministry and Christian Intervention Program. He has also worked as Outreach Director, Youth Minister, and in Prison Ministry. He later attended Texas Bible College in Houston, where he served as Student Body President. He graduated with a degree in Theology and is a licensed minister with The United Pentecostal Church International. Pastor LaBrie was ordained by the United Pentecostal Church International at Texas District Campmeeting in 2010.
[title type=”h2″ class=”pastor”]Professional Life[/title]
In 1990, Pastor LaBrie founded Sun Travel Trailways. This endeavor was a life-long dream of his. It has blessed many aspects of not only local church assemblies but transportation for churches state-wide and ultimately the work of the Lord through donations and offerings to home and foreign missions.
[title type=”h2″ class=”pastor”]Community Involvement[/title]
One of Pastor LaBrie’s strongest desires is for community involvement. He now currently serves on several community boards, including the Beaumont Yacht Club, the local chapter of the Salvation Army and until recently was president of Some Other Place.
Through his business, he also has served on the boards of South Central Motorcoach Association, Texas Motorcoach Council and the Texas Trailways Association.
[title type=”h2″ class=”pastor”]Ministry Experience[/title]
While being on staff as Administrative Assistant, Bro. Labrie was responsible for coordinating the functioning of over 25 departments, assisting with fellowship activities and the day-to-day administration of The Apostolic Church. He was instrumental in initiating many different aspects of ministry there, including B.L.A.S.T. (Beaumont Linking Apostolic Singles Together, an annual singles conference), and S.A.L.T. (Service And Leadership Training).
Pastor LaBrie also served as the Coordinator for the Texas District Family Campmeeting and Texas District Ministers’ Conference both held annually involving over 300 churches and 600 plus ministers.
In late 2009, Bro. LaBrie resigned his position with The Apostolic Church and joined with Bro. Marvin Cole in Apostolic Faith Ministries to reach the world for Christ, one soul at a time. In this ministry, he has been instrumental in assisting Texas District churches during times of natural disaster as well as traveling abroad to minister in the foreign fields.
Jesus told us, His disciples, to make disciples of all nations. One of the most important values of Gospel Tabernacle is our mission to the world. It begins in our own community, and spreads overseas to every nation. Gospel Tabernacle members are involved in a variety of ministries from cleaning the baptistry to sending cards to the homebound.
Mission Outreach
Gospel Tabernacle is thrilled to be part of the spread of God’s kingdom around the world. We are active in sending missionaries and supporting these missionaries with our money and with our prayers.
Music & Drama
God-honoring worship is something we strive for. Many church members get involved in our music department. Some play their instruments. Some are vocalists. These volunteers are an important part of the ministry of Gospel Tabernacle, using their talents and gifts to glorify God.
Ushers and Hostesses
The usher and hostess team at Gospel Tabernacle fills an important role. They are involved in directing attendees to their seats, ensuring the safety of the building during services, guiding traffic, helping visitors, answering questions, providing direction, unlocking doors, locking doors, and generally ensuring that the service can proceed problem-free. The usher and hostess team is a servant-hearted group of men and women whose ministry is integral to church life.
Media & Technology
Using media to spread the gospel is a privilege of Gospel Tabernacle. In an age of widespread technology, we have a stewardship to use these tools as best as possible for kingdom purposes.